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Earlsfield Primary School

Arts Mark SILVER

We are currently the proud holders of the Arts Mark Silver Award that recognises and celebrates our commitment to the arts. Below is the message we received from the Art's Council.


Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we would like to congratulate you and your setting on achieving an Artsmark Silver Award.

We see all Artsmark levels as a significant achievement and we hope you take great pride in celebrating all that you have accomplished throughout your journey, particularly in the context of the current climate and the challenges that schools have faced in the last few years.

Earlsfield Primary School have used this Artsmark journey to change your approach to delivering your Art curriculum, moving to all teachers delivering Art lessons, greater cross-curricular links, developing a whole school progression map, and a curriculum overview for Art, Music and Design and Technology.

Teachers have grown in confidence and excitement in teaching Art. Arts and culture are valued and promoted in the setting, and you strive to ensure that all children can develop and display their arts skills within and beyond the core timetable. You have a dedicated Art Studio where children have weekly art lessons. A music specialist delivers weekly music lessons and children have access to instrumental tuition. Pupil Premium children have access to free brass lessons.

Senior leaders and Arts Leads are increasing the breadth and depth of arts learning opportunities and they actively monitor the Artsmark process through book looks and monitoring and tracking of art outcomes. The views of children are considered in the planning of arts and cultural experiences, and your Arts Council create new displays in the school and present their work to Governors. Children take part in trips, for example to the Tate and artists come into school to deliver projects. You offer in house CPD opportunities and share good practice.