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Earlsfield Primary School


As a school we implement The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals within our curriculum . They are a collection of 17 interlinked goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs, set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030, are part of a UN Resolution called the "2030 Agenda". A number of the SDGS are linked to improving the environment.
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action

I’m writing to let you know about our Annual General Meeting in November and fundraising awards.  Each year at this event, MCS makes several awards to recognise the efforts and achievements of a few volunteers and supporters of our work.   For the first time, this year MCS has been funded to make an additional award for the ‘Young Fundraiser of the Year’.  As you can imagine, we had many strong candidates to choose from and after careful consideration we have decided to make the award to your school, in recognition of the funds raised and the hard work you collectively put into the film night you held last year.  This particular award will have a small prize of £250 which I hope the school will find useful in some way.

Whilst the SDGS are embedded in our curriculum, pupil ownership and understanding is vital as we move forward in the modern world and our ECO Warriors and Travel Heroes have an important part to play.

ECO Warriors

“Engaging the youth of today to protect the planet of tomorrow.”

 Our children at Earlsfield show a passion and a drive to make a difference in the world! They have an empathy and awareness of ‘what needs to be done’ to make the world a better place. By joining up with the global programme ‘Eco-Schools’ we provide our children with the avenue to make a difference in the world.

Involvement with the Eco-Schools programme has huge positive impacts on the children as well as the school community. Not only do we see an increased confidence in our children but also a development of their leadership skills, improved well-being and an overall greater motivation at school.

Every year is a different experience but one thing for sure is that the children have a lot fun and are so very proud of all that they achieve! Historically we have developed our Biodome and our outside green spaces, we have introduced new recycling initiatives, worked with conservation organisations, such as the Marine Conservation Society, we have raised awareness of many pressing environmental issues through assemblies and workshops and we even managed to raise money for our wonderful PTA! This year we will take a slightly different direction, we are looking at ways to include our Eco message in topics covered through the curriculum, and we are already seeing some lovely outcomes! The ‘Eco Warriors’ will be looking at fulfilling their roles and responsibilities within their bubble and we will hope to see a whole school effect with them all working individually yet ultimately together!

If you walked around Earlsfield you would see:

  • Children who are empowered to lead change within the school and have a positive impact in their wider community.
  • Children of all ages working together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness. They will be informed and confident to talk about the ‘big issues’, especially those highlighted by the activities of the Eco team.
  • Children taking ownership of our outdoor spaces, planting, maintaining the areas and encouraging other to do the same – leading by example.

In order to broaden our understanding we are regular visitors we are regular visitors to the Paradise Cooperative. The children take part in outdoor learning that can't undertake in school. This enriches children’s understanding of the world around them, increases their connection to nature, the local community and the impact they have upon it. The outdoor learning workshops link to the curriculum but also enhance children’s social and personal development, independence, problem solving and leadership skills.

Look out for our Eco news and ‘Top tips’ in the School Newsletters!


Travel Heroes

At Earlsfield we are create opportunities to raise the profile of travelling safely through planned, Travel Safety activities and events such like: Road Safety talks, Pedestrian training, Bike-ability workshops and Scootering skills. We link the importance of safe travel to the curriculum through interactive games and workshops with the aim of educating students about pollution and climate change. This highlights how transport and lifestyle choices do not just influence our planet, but also the air we breathe, day to day.

We are fortunate to have great communication and support from our Parent Governor which has enabled us to have regular stake holder support (Ian Ody)  and also also STARS; Lindi Lowe Travel Planner and Sustrans Raphael Younger, where we share and learn new and refreshing ideas together to raise attention to current and new issues through platforms like Parent Mail, Newsletters and informative displays.

Our Travel Heroes inspire, inform and influence pupil learners. They act as ambassadors for Travel Safety and spread the word by speaking clearly and with confidence to the school community and stakeholders.

We know that at Earlsfield we are confident that 90% of children staff and carers are making healthy choices when travelling to school. We measure and gather evidence from hands-up surveys which involves staff, pupils and parents. We additionally gather evidence through PSE ‘book looks’ where we identify clearly defined links to Travel Safety and Environmental Awareness. We collate what pupils have learnt and help appreciate the growth in their knowledge and understanding. At present TFL has expressed there being a 21% shift away from cars since baseline Spring 2 2019. Consequently, pupils can speak confidently about healthy lifestyle choices and how their choices can help towards bettering the cleanliness of their community.

We achieved silver accreditation September 2019/20/21.

What do our pupils tell us?

What Travel projects have you done in Earlsfield to raise awareness of the effects of travel on the environment?

Sustainable Art competition. YR 2 pupil: “Don’t be a fool, bus, cycle, scoot or walk to school!” Year 6 pupil: “There is no plan B, it’s a new year and pollution is still here! In this resolution we must find a solution!”

Meetings with STARS and SUSTRANS. What is a healthy street?

P “Stop polluting!” Walking, scootering and biking is healthier for you!”

J  “Schools streets will keep us safe from cars.”

Yr 6 pupil: TFL workshops were about the consequences of what might happen if you do not behave when travelling on public transport. Clips were shown demonstrating reckless behaviour.

Yr 6 Travel Hero pupil: “We discussed how we can keep Earlsfield free from pollution and how we can be more active when travelling to school.”

Yr 5 “Sustainable ways to go to school are walking, cycling skate boarding, bus and train.”

Yr 2 “When you drive around and around you pollute the air!”