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Earlsfield Primary School

Financial Education

Spend it, save it, give it, get it? Whatever we do with money, we need to manage it well. A cross-curricular, planned programme of financial education can help give children and young people the confidence, skills and knowledge they need to manage their money, now and in the future.

We teach this in a number of ways:

  • Maths taken from the  Financial Education Framework(enhanced curriculum)
  • Maths across the curriculum links/Math:real life application
  • 6Cs- creativity, critical thinking, character, citizenship, collaboration, communication
  • Personal Development/Behaviour and welfare(PSHCE)

Through doing so: 

  • We improve teacher/pupils’ confidence
  • We prepare children for the wider world
  • We prepare children for the necessary financial knowledge, skills and healthy money habits required for successful futures 


Anticipated impact 


How to manage money:value of money

The Treasure Hunt

An exciting first foray into the world of money featuring activities to keep children engaged as well as an exploration of coins and values, Budgeting and Saving

  • I know there are different coins and notes. 
  • I know I can save some of my money to use later e.g. in a money box.


How to manage money:value of money

The Treasure Hunt

An exciting first foray into the world of money featuring activities to keep children engaged as well as an exploration of coins and values, budgeting and Saving

  • I can describe and name different coins and notes
  • I can make simple choices about saving some of my money.
  • I can make simple choices about how to spend my money.

Year 1

Budgeting and Saving

Keeping a Record: The Birthday Party In this session the children will plan a birthday party, keep track of their spending & make choices around their birthday budget. This activity shows children how they can create and use records to track their money and keep it in a safe place.

  • I can make simple choices about how to spend my money
  • I can recognise and choose the correct value of coins and notes to use and calculate change.
  • I  can keep simple financial records e.g. recording the amount saved in a money box and how it has been used.

Year 2

Value of Money/spending choices

Money through the ages

Money Through The Ages 4 to 7 years (Reception to Yr 2) This session looks at how money has evolved into what we use today and the role of money in society. The session also helps with recognition of the value of money and how we pay for things now.

  • I can describe the many forms that money comes in today, and the variety of ways in which it can be used to pay for things.
  • I can describe ways of paying that don’t involve cash e.g. debit cards, credit cards, online payment

Year 3

Value of Money/spending choices

Making Wise Choices: The Expedition Developed with Young Money, this session challenges children to think about their purchase choices. Children will be challenged to consider which of their wants are important and what they can manage without.

  • I  can describe and understand the reasons for using different forms of payment including the difference between debit and credit cards.
  • I can take account of other people’s ideas and opinions when making decisions about saving and spending my money.

Year 4

Becoming a critical consumer

Super Supper Challenge 

This session focuses on healthy eating and staying within a budget. It encourages young people to consider the choices we make around money, based on needs and wants, in particular exploring if it is possible to eat well on a limited budget.

  • I can recognise when my choices around money are being influenced by advertising.
  • I can make comparisons between prices when deciding what is best value for money, including for services such as electricity, phones and the internet

Year 5

Becoming a critical consumer

Savvy Shopping (Yrs 5 and 6) Building an understanding of what is value and how we make financial decisions. An exploration of the buying cycle and offers available on the high street and online.

  • I can explain some of the benefits of saving, and some of the risks involved in borrowing money
  • I can describe some ways to keep my money and personal information safe when using the internet e.g. protecting passwords and PINs.

Year 6

Financial Future

World of Work 

Making the links between work, money and future lifestyle goals. This session explores earnings, deductions and the choices we make around spending and our lifestyle.

  • I can describe how having a job will allow me to achieve certain goals in my life including financial ones.
  • I can describe some ways in which the government uses money to provide for my needs and those of my local community.