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Earlsfield Primary School

Governors statement on behaviour

Why have we written this statement?

The Department of Education requires us as a governing body to produce a statement of principles about behaviour and discipline to help guide the Headteacher in producing a behaviour policy for the school.

These principles are outlined below.

What are our principles?

We believe that good behaviour and high standards are essential in order that Earlsfield Primary School can deliver high-quality education to its pupils.

Good behaviour is at the heart of a successful school ensuring that pupils can make the best possible progress and that staff can teach without interruption or harassment. A behaviour policy should be clearly referenced in the school charter and fully understood by everyone in the school community.

It is vital that staff, pupils and visitors to the school feel safe. Therefore Earlsfield Primary School should have clear guidance on what is expected from everyone in the school community. Everyone should be free from all forms of discrimination and be treated equally, fairly and with respect. Bullying should not be tolerated and a clear anti-bullying policy must be understood by staff and pupils and followed closely to ensure that pupils can learn in an open and safe environment. Our pupils should be safe at all times and a clear safeguarding policy must be in place to protect vulnerable pupils from harm.

Good behaviour should be praised and rewarded and action should be taken against unacceptable and poor behaviour. The Headteacher should make it clear and explicit to his staff what procedures are in place to deal with bad behaviour and ensure that staff understand what constitutes correct and reasonable force and restraint.

During unsupervised activities in school e.g. PTA events, pupils are the responsibility of their parents and are expected to follow directions given by the organisers and staff at all times with appropriate regard for their own safety, other people and security of the premises.

Pupils outside of the school premises and when in school uniform are expected to understand that good behaviour is essential as they represent the school. The school may take disciplinary action if their behaviour brings the school into disrepute.

We would actively encourage the Headteacher to engage with parents and carers as well as staff and students to ensure they contribute to the standards we expect from our school community.

How often will we review these principles?

The school behaviour policy will be reviewed as per policy monitoring cycle.