At Earlsfield Primary School we believe our Mathematics curriculum should ensure deeper understanding and progress for all learners to enable every child to succeed in mathematics. At Earlsfield we aim, through high quality creative and inclusive lessons, to create a sense of excitement and curiosity around mathematics. Children are encouraged to make links between what they are learning and the world around them. A high quality maths education provides foundations for understanding the world and promotes the school values; Care, Inspire, Challenge, Achieve, Respect and Enjoy. Maths is essential to everyday life and necessary in almost all forms of employment.
The 2014 National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure all pupils:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they are efficient in using and selecting the appropriate written algorithms and mental methods, underpinned by mathematical concepts
- Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios
- Can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, including in unfamiliar mathematical language
As children at Earlsfield learn mathematics, they are acquiring fluency in mental methods (maths they do in their heads) as well as written methods. In order that fluency in mathematics is attained, children know that quick and accurate mental recall of facts is essential. Through a curriculum based on deep conceptual understanding, children are able to select and apply different mathematical methods in a variety of contexts. Our children are empowered with accurate mathematical language with which they are able to communicate their ideas precisely and effectively with each other and teaching staff. Perseverance, resilience and determination are skills developed across the curriculum but particularly through problem solving in mathematics. As a whole school we promote challenge for all and ensure that there are opportunities for every child to achieve this. Progression in mathematics for all children is essential and so, no matter what their starting point, through accurate assessment, high expectations and quality teaching, pupils at Earlsfield are able to realise their mathematical potential. Children with special educational needs are as carefully planned for and inclusivity is at the heart of what we do. Cross-curricular links are made where possible, particularly in science and through the use of technology.
White Rose Maths
Influenced, inspired and informed by the work of leading maths researchers and practitioners across the world, White Rose Maths has been developed by a team of highly experienced and passionate maths teaching experts.
At Earlsfield Primary School we follow the White Rose Scheme of work, which reflects and covers the National Curriculum objectives. The yearly overviews provide a framework of topics covered across the academic year. Teachers build on prior learning from previous years and aim to secure a deep understanding. These yearly overviews are reviewed and adapted regularly by staff and the Maths Leaders, to ensure they meet the needs of all learners.
Our approach is reflected by the White Rose mantra - Everyone Can Do Maths - Everyone Can!
Find out more about White Rose Maths by visiting their website
Yearly overview
Each year group has a set of objectives that the teachers use to aid them in their planning
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Maths objectives Year 1 to Year 6
- Year 1 Maths Objectives
- Year 2 Maths Objectives
- Year 3 Maths Objectives
- Year 4 Maths Objectives
- Year 5 Maths Objectives
- Year 6 Maths Objectives
How is Maths taught?
The principles of Teaching for Mastery, a product of extensive research into the highly successful teaching practice in Singapore and Shanghai, are used consistently throughout the school. A whole class teaching approach is used, keeping the class working together. Opportunities for children to explore and develop their knowledge and understanding are provided to avoid superficial, surface learning and foster a deep, secure understanding of all the concepts taught. The learning needs of every child are addressed through skillful questioning and appropriate intervention – this provides the necessary scaffolding or challenge for all.
At Earlsfield, we place high importance on mathematical talk. As a result, lessons include regular opportunities for the children to discuss their understanding and explain their thinking, both with the adults and their peers. Accurate use of vocabulary and terminology features prominently in our lessons, with teachers both modelling and expecting it from the children from Nursery up to Year 6. We believe this will support our children when faced with a range of mathematical problems.
The curriculum focuses on four areas: number, measurement, geometry and statistics across the year. Included in every lesson are fluency, reasoning and problem solving tasks, giving the children the opportunity to explore the concept being taught extensively before moving on to the next. Questions are designed carefully by the teachers to provide intelligent practice, address misconceptions and encourage higher level thinking. We believe in exposing the children to multiple representations of a concept, using concrete, pictorial and abstract examples simultaneously to support the children’s understanding.
Children are given Mathematics homework weekly at Earlsfield. The Mathematical activities provided will link to the learning done in class that week, earlier in the term or from the previous term encouraging the children to practice, embed and make connections between their key skills.
What would you expect to see in a maths lesson at Earlsfield?
- Children sharing and critiquing answers or strategies.
- Children using manipulatives to ensure the understanding of new concepts (concrete-pictorial-abstract approach)
- A CPA approach where concrete, pictorial and abstract representations are used fluidly to allow deep, sustainable learning for all.
- Children encouraged to identify and recognise patterns and rules, rather than just shown how to find the answer.
- Children being expected to understand and use the correct, precise mathematical vocabulary when explaining their maths. Due to a consistent approach across the school, the children are confident to do this.
- Children working on the same independent questions; a combination of fluency, problem solving and reasoning.
- Children self-correcting and responding using purple pen.
- Children being given opportunities to practise and use their number skills and factual fluency, and apply them in different contexts.
- Teachers and children recapping learning at the beginning of each lesson through the use of learning journeys
- Teachers using small steps between and within lessons to maintain appropriate pace.
- Teachers assessing at every step of the lesson
- Teachers asking carefully planned questions throughout the lesson to target children’s fluency and reasoning skills.
- Teachers using a ping pong style approach where ideas and activities regularly move from adult to children and back again allowing conclusions to be drawn.
- Teachers quickly identifying children who are struggling within the lesson. Adults will float between tables to support and question children to deepen their understanding.
- Teachers sitting with groups of children to support their individual learning needs.
- Teachers are always asking “Why?”, “How do you know?” and “Are you sure?!”
- Teachers ensuring the progression of concepts between year groups.
What do pupils tell us about maths?
How do you think you have been challenged in maths this year?
Year 3 pupil: “Maths is fun when there are challenges because it helps you grow and then you won’t find it easy all the time.”
Year 4 pupil: “Reasoning is really tricky. I always challenge myself to get onto this in every lesson.”
Year 6 pupil: “Our work on green paper helps you to work independently. All of the things we’ve learnt, we have put them together.”
How does your teacher help you if you don’t understand something in maths?
Year 1 pupil: “Sometimes we use pictures of food to help us with number sentences”
Year 1 pupil: “I look next to the board because the teacher can show you how to do the question”
Year 4 pupil: “It helps to use concrete resources like dienes.”
What do you do if you are stuck on a question?
Year 5 pupil: “I would ask my talk partner or someone on my table, then I’d go to another table. My teacher might explain a different method to help us work it out.”
What does Maths Mastery mean to you?
Year 4 pupil: “I would have to know all of my times tables.”
Year 5 pupil: “Being a Maths Master is all about improving your work when you make a mistake and you never give up.”
Year 6 pupil: “You can teach it thoroughly to someone else.”