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Earlsfield Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is an additional funding stream available to schools and this expenditure must be reported upon.

Pupil Premium funding is designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better, and close the gap between them and their peers.

Pupil Premium

Additional funding is spent effectively to support disadvantaged pupils. Leaders know individual pupils well. They analyse carefully the type of support these pupils need in order to achieve as well as their peers. Typically, pupils eligible for the pupil premium start school with skills and understanding below those expected for their age. During their time at Earlsfield, the vast majority make rapid progress and achieve standards that are at least broadly in line with other pupils nationally.

(Ofsted 2017)

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is an additional amount of money provided by the Government for those children who are entitled to receive FSM (free schools meals) or have received FSM in the past 6 years.


The progress of all children is measured on a termly basis and discussions take place with relevant teachers. This enables us to discuss individuals in detail and pinpoint any area where additional support may be necessary. Please take the opportunity  to read our summary statement below or the school report that includes additional detail.

Summary Statement

 Statement of intent 

Challenges and Intended Outcomes


KS2 Pupil Premium attainment at Earlsfield frequently exceeds national averages.

By the end of Key Stage 2 (2017)

The performance of Pupil Premium children at Earlsfield was better than all children nationally at the expected standard.

The gap to greater depth ranged between the attainment of 0 to 1 child.

By the end of Key Stage 2 (2018)

Attainment of Pupil Premium children at the expected standard was 14% above the national average for non-disdvantaged children.

Pupil Premium children at Earlsfield made better than expected progress at the end of Key Stage 2

Reading 3.7  Writing 2.7  Maths 4.1

By the end of Key Stage 2 (2019)

Pupil Premium children one again performed exceptionally well and exceeded national averages  at the expected standard.

In comparison to Pupil Premium Children nationally – combined RWM at the expected standard was 18% higher.

In comparison to Non Pupil Premium Children nationally – combined RWM at the expected standard was in line (1% lower less than one child)

In comparison to all children nationally - combined RWM at the expected standard was 5% higher

Pupil Premium children at Earlsfield made better than expected progress at the end of Key Stage 2

Reading 3.7  Writing 2.7  Maths 4.1

By the end of Key Stage 2 (2022)

In comparison to children nationally – combined RWM at the expected standard was 12% higher than the national average and 6% above non-disadvantaged children.

In comparison to children nationally – attainment of Pupil Premium Children at Greater Depth in Reading and Maths compared favourably to the national average.