Roles ANd Responsibilities
Since Autumn 2020 the Governing Board of Earlsfield Primary School have moved to a Circle Model of school governance. This means that the Governing Board works collectively as a whole team meeting 6 times per year, twice in each term, without any separate meetings. The Governing Board may 'commission' assignments or activities arising from the business of the meeting. Monitoring responsibilities are also delegated to lead governors. However, the Governing Board will retain collective responsibility.
The three key focus areas, which each have a 'Delegated Lead' who will provide oversight of the School's priorities and be responsible for reporting back to the Governing Board are as follows:
- Quality of Education (which incorporates Outcomes for Pupils and Teaching and Learning and Assessment);
- Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare; and
- Leadership and Management
There are also the following link roles which individual governors are appointed to:
- Safeguarding and Children Looked After;
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND);
- Health and Safety;
- Human Resources; and
- Disadvantaged Children
Details of Roles
Delegated Lead for Quality of Education
The lead governor in this area will, among other things, ensure the curriculum is broad and balanced, monitor the curriculum policy if there is one in place, monitor the impact of the School Sports Grant and annually agree the staff complement
Delegated Lead for Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
The lead governor in this area will, among other things, ensure the school takes into consideration pupil's wellbeing, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community and monitor attendance patterns and trends.
Delegated Lead for Leadership and Management
The lead governor for this area will, among other things, analyse and recommend the annual budget, monitor expenditure against the agreed budget, ensure the school takes a best value approach to procurement of resources and services, undertake financial benchmarking, annually review and approve the Charging and Remissions policy, monitor how school premiums are spent, ensure funds are available to maintain the fabric and safety of the school buildings and annually agree the staff complement
Safeguarding Lead Governor
The link governor in this area will, among other things, ensure that the school complies with all requirements in relation to safer recruitment, ensure the Single Central Record is reviewed and checked for missing information termly and complete an annual Safeguarding review
SEND & Inclusion Lead Governor
The link governor in this area will, among other things, monitor SEN provision and ensure the school fulfils its responsibilities for pupils with special education needs, pupils with disabilities and pupils who are high attainers, monitor the progress and attainment of vulnerable groups and monitor the impact of the Pupil Premium Grant
Health & Safety Lead Governor
The link governor in this area will, among other things, establish and approve a Health & Safety policy, ensure that Health & Safety regulations are followed and appropriately prioritised, receive the Health & Safety Inspection report and agree any actions and ensure regular fire drills are carried out.
Human Resources Lead Governor
The link governor in this area will, among other things, review and approve the Appraisal Policy, review staff absence data, ensure the school complies with the General Equality Duty in relation to staff, evaluate staffing policies and will annually review the impact of and implementation of the Teacher Appraisal and Performance Related Pay process.
Disadvantaged Children Lead Governor
The link governor in this area will, among other things, review the School’s annual Pupil Premium Strategy, review the pupil premium report and effectiveness of the use of the Pupil premium funding and the pupil premium strategies in supporting target groups, monitor the progress and attainment of disadvantaged pupils and review the extent to which disadvantaged pupils have the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of school life.