School Priorities
What are our priorities?
March 2020 to August 2021 has left the education system and society in general with much to reflect on.
The unforeseen has placed wide ranging pressures on the global society. The shifting landscape and the events of that last two years makes long term planning challenging but it is important that schools continue to offer a place of stability and security for children, staff and the local community.
There are many factors to take into account when shaping the strategic vision and annual goals. In developing this document we have taken into account many aspects that will influence education over the course of the next few years:
- The ongoing impact of COVID 19, not only on the education system but also the families within our school community. We acknowledge that COVID will present a challenge in the coming years however we will endeavour to ensure that whatever the challenge we will not compromise on our standards and expectations.
- Children have different experiences in childhood and face different challenges The impact of new technologies particularly with regards to home learning
- The resource and financial implications of both COVID and BREXIT and the impact that this will have on the workforce, recruitment and retaining staff.
- Demographic changes within the school community that have led to a falling roll in recent years and the financial implications that accompany this.
- School funding formula / funding restraints.
- Environment and sustainability.
- The curriculum and the future of learning.
- Government initiatives and educational changes.
- Partnerships with the LEA and other schools.
In order to achieve our goals we will stay true to our vision.
At Earlsfield, all members of the school community will develop every child to their full potential as ‘Bright Thinkers’ with ‘Bright Futures.’
Children and staff will promote our values ‘I care’
- I Care by being considerate, helpful and thoughtful
- I Inspire others by being a positive role model to my peers
- I Challenge myself by aiming high, overcoming obstacles and never giving up.
- I Achieve by having self-belief and determination to be successful
- I Respect my community by treating everyone equally
- I Enjoy learning because I make the most of all the exciting opportunities
In doing so we will develop children who
- inspire others through their behaviour and attitude.
- challenge themselves and encourage others to meet their full potential.
- are proud of their school and their achievements.
- are socially responsible and respectful of one another.
- embrace diversity and care about the wider world.
- promote rights and responsibilities and enjoy all opportunities.
- believe in our core school values.
What are Earlsfield’s current successes?
- Performance that is above the national average at the end of KS2.
- A broad and balanced curriculum that offers a wide range of opportunities to children beyond the core curriculum.
- High levels of engagement in before and after school activities.
- An attendance level that is frequently above the national average.
- An outstanding OFTSED judgement in 2017.
- Positive responses to children and parent surveys.
- Strong working relationships with a network of schools
Outcomes for pupils (Challenge and Achieve)
- All children make expected or better progress from their starting points
- All groups performing securely within or exceeding age related expectations
- Ensure that gap analysis is succinct and that strategies for catch up are effective
- Measure the success of the pupil premium plan in building cultural capital.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Inspire and Enjoy)
Ensure that the curriculum is effectively sequenced and explicit in the teaching of skills and knowledge so:
1. Staff can talk confidently about their delivery using explicit language.
2. Children can talk confidently about their learning and their learning journey. Retrieval practice is embedded
3. That knowledge and skills are measured accurately on entry and on exit from a topic or unit of work.
4. Lesson structures are consistent and effective.
To build upon the principles of Fullans 6Cs - character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking and ensure they are part of everyday curriculum delivery and that resources eg the Tech Room are effectively planned for.
To continue the 2021-22 curriculum review to ensure that it is reflective of Gender, Race, Disability, as well as other key indicators such as technology, mental health and wellbeing and entrepreneurial activities.
To ensure that a core group of quality texts promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.
Moderation and benchmarking are undertaken at different levels and are consistent in approach 1. Year Group
2. Phase
3. Class
4. Across Schools
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare (Care and Respect)
- Continue to develop all pupil led groups and ensure that all stakeholders value the importance of the responsibility and independence this brings.
- Ensure that Earlsfield is committed to reducing its impact on the environment by focusing on sustainability in energy and water use, school waste, catering and events and that children are fully engaged in this.
Leadership and Management (Challenge and Inspire)
- Staff demonstrate consistently that roles and responsibilities are shared equitably in accordance with role type and career stage expectations. Subject leads are able to demonstrate their impact on outcomes.
- To continue to extend collaborative opportunities for leaders at all levels internally and externally in order to strengthen policy and practice in the school
- Increased focus on the impact of CPD on Teaching and Learning
- Continue to build upon the strengths of our partner schools as a tool of self-evaluation and reinstate this to Pre Covid levels and reengage in GPE (Guided Peer Evaluation)
- To ensure that the principles of the Wandsworth Ordinary Provision document are embedded within classroom practice.
Improve the visibility of the Governing Board throughout school and with the school community Continue to review the forecast budget to support move towards balancing the budget - including cost/benefit impact of bought in services.
Continue to review the forecast budget to support move towards balancing the budget - including cost/benefit impact of bought in services.
Strategic Plan and SDP 22-23.pdf