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Earlsfield Primary School

Sports Crew

Sports Crew are children from Year 5 and 6 who are passionate about sport and activity at Earlsfield. Their manifesto applications were full of fantastic ideas to help children across the school have access to more activities and to increase participation. 


In previous years, the Sports Crew have supported AM Sports in their inter-school tournaments, have designed fitness circuits for Nursery and Reception children as part of Sport Relief activities, and have organised and carried out tournaments at lunchtime for Key Stage 2 children which proved very popular with over 100 children taking part!


This year they have already created an action plan with clear steps to help them achieve their goals.  Keep an eye out throughout the year for their events!


Article 12: You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously

Article 31: You have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama