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Earlsfield Primary School

Young Leaders


Peer Listeners

Peer Listeners

As part of the school’s commitment to developing responsible citizens who give back to the community, older children carry out peer mentoring in the playground.

Peer listeners at Earlsfield  comprise of 20 Year 6 pupils, who show a willingness to help one another. At the beginning of the school year they begin their initial training. Further training, support and advice continues with a meeting each half term to ensure that the Peer Listeners are able to share their experiences and continue developing their interpersonal skills within the safe boundaries of the school.

Peer Listeners offer advice and guidance whilst acting as positive role models for younger pupils who may need some additional support in the playground. They are highly valued as they create an atmosphere of calm and cooperation in the playground.


Young Leaders

The Young Leaders are made up of Yr5 children who work alongside KS1 children to encourage group play and promote positive friendships.

They model how to play a range of playground games and encourage the younger children to join in and have fun together. All Year Five children are expected to participate in this programme in order to give something back to the school.

Some quotes from our Young Leaders

I really enjoy helping the younger children to learn new games.

I love seeing the children enjoying themselves.

Its fun interacting with the children.

It is such a fun experience playing with the younger children and showing them new games.

Its fun because I have the opportunity to work with the younger children."

Some quotes from our young children

Its so much fun playing with the older children.

I like playing all of the games. My favourite is Ice and Sun

I really love playing Dodgeball with the older children.

I really love all of the new games that we have at lunchtime now.